ACTING. LOST HIGHWAY (English version)

after David Lynch and Barry Gifford

JUN 27th
Thu, 8:00 p.m
JUN 28th
Fri, 8:00 p.m
JUN 29th
Sat, 8:00 p.m


English + German surtitles

Inspired by the screenplay “Lost Highway” by David Lynch and Barry Gifford, this performance focuses on two characters that are struggling to depart from their habitual patterns.

Renée and Fred Madison are in a relationship full of secrets and desires. The suspicion of an affair has arisen. One morning they find a mysterious video of themselves sleeping. At a party, Fred meets a stranger who claims to know him and to have been invited to his house. A nightmare of anxiety and fear begins. Finally, in another video, an act of violence is revealed: Fred’s murder of Renée.

This is how the story of Renée and Fred has been told. But this time something seems to be different. If the reality of a situation in everyday life is only one possibility among many, where do its cracks emerge? Which are the moments where the potential appears, to do things differently? With ambiguity between playing in a fictional scenario and acting in life, the performative composition raises these questions through playback dialogues, movement-based dream sequences, and choreographies as an experimental interplaying of bodies and voices.

The graduation project of Tobias Klett at the Ernst Busch Academy of Dramatic Arts was developed in collaboration with the dancers Sylvana Seddig, Juan Corres Benito, Tamae Yoneda, and the sound designer Hyewon Suk.

With Sylvana Seddig / Juan Corres Benito / Tamae Yoneda Director/Choreography Tobias Klett Script David Lynch / Barry Gifford Sound Design Hyewon Suk Music Mica Levi Mentor Susanne Kennedy

Tobias Klett, born in 1994, grew up in Munich. Since 2014 Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. Since 2017 Studienstiftung scholarship and typography for Spector Books. 2019 book publication "Weltall Erde Mensch #23", sponsorship award and honorary diploma from the Stiftung für Buchkunst, graduated with distinction. Since 2019 freelance work as a video and performance artist: with his performance "Anspannung" participation in the festival Bühne Total at Bauhaus Dessau. Since 2020 HfS Ernst Busch Berlin, study theatre directing. 2021 Production of "Hollow Man". 2023 Production of "Metamorphosen" and assistant director on Susanne Kennedy's project "Angela".

Ticket prices 25€ / 15€ / 10€ (Solidarity Pricing System)